TROPARION TONE 4 Lord, Our God, Jesus Christ, on this day we are gathered to honor our mothers and first among them is Your Own Holy Mother, Mary Holy Theotokos, reminder of all that is holy and pure. May we forever honor her and keep her in our hearts. Reading […]
Monthly Archives: May 2021
3 posts
Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is risen; He is risen indeed! Christos Anesti; Alithos Anesti! This, too, came to pass as foretold; Christ said in Galilee that the Son of Man must be given to sinners for them to beat, crucify, and kill, and so […]
Concerning Hades. The Apostles Creed, an innovation of the Western Church dating from the ninth century and remaining in popular usage even presently, includes a clause regarding Christ’s passion, that He “descended into Hell”. Consequently a great deal of medieval lore surrounds the subject of the “Harrowing of Hell” in […]